Cash Assistance From WFP and the European Union Helps Keep Syrian Refugees in Turkey Out of Poverty

Through the program, each family member receives $22 per month, and studies show that the 1.7 million refugees mostly spend it on rent, utilities, food and other household needs.

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Hunger and Hope: Lessons From Ethiopia and Guatemala

In this hour-long special, Rick Steves travels through Ethiopia and Guatemala to learn about extreme poverty and its solutions, including smart development aid, empowering women, child nutrition, and education.

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While Many Women Celebrate Progress This Year, 500 Million Are Still Left Behind

It's International Day for the Eradication of Poverty, and despite earning less, studies show that when women earn an income, they reinvest 90% of it back into their families and communities.

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International Community Must Step Up Support to Millions of Desperately Hungry Zimbabweans

Millions of Zimbabweans face an increasingly desperate situation unless adequate funding for a major relief operation materializes quickly.

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The Latest From Haiti: “I don’t know what my children will eat.”

Millions of Haitians have been hit hard by rising prices, a weakening local currency and a drop in agricultural production. One in three are in need of urgent food assistance.

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Conflict is the #1 cause of hunger in the world. It uproots families, destroys economies, ruins infrastructure and brings agricultural production to a halt.

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UNHCR and WFP Thank the EU for Continued Support to Vital Cash Program for Vulnerable Syrian Refugees in Lebanon

The additional allocation of $43.8 million is transferred through electronic cards to 358,000 people. The majority of that cash is spent on essentials like food, shelter, health care and education.

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Drivers of Hunger

Conflict, extreme weather, natural disasters and extreme poverty. Ending hunger is a big challenge, but together it's solvable.

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Emergency Alert: On The Brink of Famine in Yemen

Violence across the country has made an already dangerously and desperately hungry nation that much hungrier.

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The 17 SDGs and What They Mean for Global Hunger

In order to adequately nourish today’s 795 million hungry people as well as the additional 2 billion people expected by 2050, we will need to profoundly change our global food system so everyone has a seat at the table.

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