A Love Story That Is Feeding the World

Lovebirds Poonam Kaushal and Nishkaam Mehta are getting hitched this Valentine’s Day. They’ve teamed up with friends, family and people like you to create the most unconventional wedding gift—with the help of the world’s first hunger-fighting smartphone app.

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Facebook Live from Nigeria

Many children in northeast Nigeria are suffering from malnutrition after losing access to food since fleeing the violent campaign of Boko Haram. Watch this Facebook live stream from an internally displaced persons camp outside Maiduguri to see how the World Food Programme (WFP) is screening and tackling malnutrition.

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Hunger as a Weapon of War

WFP Executive Director Ertharin Cousins urges us to keep our eyes on Syria, because hundreds of thousands of inaccessible civilians are still shut off from humanitarian assistance.

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6 Things To Know About The Drought In Southern Madagascar

A three-year drought intensified by El Niño has pushed millions of families across southern Africa—including Madagascar—into hunger.

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Reuniting After Escaping ISIS

On the front lines of war and hunger in Iraq, the military offensive to reclaim the city of Mosul from ISIS has caused tens of thousands of families to flee. Hear one aid worker’s account of how this displacement has led to an unlikely reunion with loved ones -- and food -- after years of separation and hunger.

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Hacking Hunger – Episode 13: Handing Over the Mic to Haitian Voices After Matthew

When Hurricane Matthew slammed into Haiti last month, the storm ravaged its southern coast and left hundreds of thousands of families without food, shelter and clean water.

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Handing Over the Mic to Haitian Voices After Matthew

When Hurricane Matthew slammed into Haiti last month, the storm ravaged its southern coast and left hundreds of thousands of families without food, shelter and clean water. But its devastation only tells part of the story.

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Child Malnutrition Rates Are Spiking in Yemen, But You Can Help

In hard-to-reach areas of the war-torn state, children are suffering from a level of malnutrition that has left almost half of all children countrywide “irreversibly stunted.”

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WFP Successfully Reached The “Four Towns” In Syria This Week

WFP Successfully Reached The "Four Towns" In Syria This

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Fleeing South Sudan: The Story Behind the Story

One family's move from South Sudan to Darfur in search of food has been told in a video that will be shared during this week's U.N. General Assembly High Level Week, when world leaders come together to discuss migration and refugees. WFP's Jonathan Dumont describes the day he met Apu Riang and his family as they made the long, desperate journey.

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Faces Of The Southern Africa Drought: Roseby Samson

El Niño has brought devastating drought to southern Africa and caused a second failed harvest that has left many farming families reeling in Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Mozambique, Swaziland, Zambia and Zimbabwe.

The U.N. World Food Programme (WFP) is rapidly stepping up life-saving operations for people like Roseby.

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Hacking Hunger – Episode 7: Breaking Through a Besieged Community in Syria

In a besieged town in Syria, families had been boiling grass to survive. Then they heard that the first delivery of food and medicine in 18 months was on its way.

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