Tropical Storm Amanda Severely Impacts Food Security of 340,000 Salvadorans

A destructive tropical storm is pushing even more people into hunger in El Salvador. Here's how WFP is helping.

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World Food Programme Resumes Direct Deliveries of Emergency Food to South Sudan From Kenya

A newly re-opened route from Kenya is helping WFP get essential food aid to struggling areas of South Sudan for the first time since 2018.

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Food Donation From the U.S. Helps Children Stay in School and Learning

A shipment of rice and lentils has arrived to Laos from the US: the donation will feed kids in Laos once schools reopen in September.

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Hunger Could Double in East Africa and the Horn in Months as Coronavirus Spreads

The socio-economic impact of coronavirus in East Africa and the Horn could kill more people than the pandemic itself.

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Accra Launches Regional COVID-19 Response Hub to Maintain Life-Saving Operations in Africa as Coronavirus Spreads

It's part of a global hub-and-spokes flight system for medical and humanitarian supplies, transporting health workers to the front lines of the pandemic.

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COVID-19: Humanitarian Air Deliveries to Africa Ramped up With Dispatch From UN’s New Cargo Hub in Belgium

With air travel at a standstill, how do frontline responders get the supplies they need? WFP's new network of logistic hubs will bridge the gap.

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This Is How Humanitarian Telecoms Hubs Are Racing to Beat COVID-19

Information is one of the most important weapons in a pandemic. Here's how WFP tech hubs are scaling up to help.

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An Urgent Call to Fund the Global Emergency Supply System to Fight COVID-19

WFP is seating up the vital logistics backbone that will help save lives and help halt the spread of the virus. Humanitarian leaders from across the world are calling on donors to provide the support needed for WFP to scale-up its lifesaving services.

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During Pandemic, the Most Vulnerable Still Need Food. This Is How WFP Gets it To Them.

COVID-19 pandemic is causing border closures, travel restrictions and supply chain complexities never faced before, but WFP is still finding ways to save lives.

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WFP Launches Ethiopian Government-Supported Air Hub for COVID-19 Response

The first United Nations “Solidarity Flight” is scheduled to leave Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, today - from there, the aircraft will transport the vital medical cargo to all countries in Africa, where supplies are desperately needed to contain the spread of COVID-19.

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UN Response Depot Pivotal in Dealing With COVID-19 in Latin America and Caribbean

The United Nations Humanitarian Response Depot (UNHRD) in Panama has already airlifted more than eight tons of supplies, including COVID-19 kits, to 24 countries.

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The latest updates on COVID-19's impact on global hunger and what WFP is doing to make sure the world's most vulnerable people have the food they need to survive.

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