World Food Programme Forecasts Global Hunger Hotspots as New Decade Dawns

The sheer scale and complexity of the challenges in Africa and other regions will stretch the resources and capacity of WFP and other agencies to the limit.

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“God help us, for we knew the worst too young”

The Mt. Lebanon famine killed 200,000 people between 1915 and 1918. The situation in Syria today looks eerily similar.

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“Everyone Abandoned Me”: The Struggle of a Single Mother Trying to Feed Her Children While Living as a Refugee

Fatima is one of many mothers living in a makeshift refugee camp in Lebanon. Each one has a different story to tell, none of which are easy to hear. This is Fatima's.

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UNHCR and WFP Thank the EU for Continued Support to Vital Cash Program for Vulnerable Syrian Refugees in Lebanon

The additional allocation of $43.8 million is transferred through electronic cards to 358,000 people. The majority of that cash is spent on essentials like food, shelter, health care and education.

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When Retail, Humanitarian Assistance and Digital Technology Meet

WFP's Dalili App is innovating humanitarian assistance and empowering Syrian refugees in Lebanon.

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Rebuilding a Life in Lebanon

Conflict in Syria forced Hussein's family to flee to Lebanon, where they are rebuilding a life at a refugee camp.

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Swipe for Life

WFP provides e-cards for displaced families, allowing them to purchase the kind of food they need with dignity and choice.

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When Refugee Children Go To School, WFP is There

For Syrian refugees, many rest easy knowing what their children will enjoy when they walk through the doors of their classrooms far away from home: a nutritious school meal.

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Lebanon is facing a severe economic, political and social crisis on top of the Syrian refugee crisis.

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