
Gambia is facing rising hunger, poverty and malnutrition. Major crises such as the Ebola outbreak and climate-related drought and floods have all taken their toll on the country’s economy.

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Over the last 20 years, significant progress has been made in reducing poverty and hunger levels. However, Hunger and malnutrition persist primarily in northern Ghana, as well as many rural communities across the country.

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Chronic food insecurity is compounded by shocks related to political instability, irregular rainfall and volatility of prices for imported rice and local cashew nut production for export.

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Years of political instability and a recent economic crisis have left the country in a fragile state of transition. The recent deadly floods threaten its recovery and may put many more at risk of hunger.

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Kenya is experiencing rapid economic and population growth, but it's struggling to ensure that everyone gets equitable access to resources, especially food security.

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Fighting one of the highest levels of hunger in the world, the people of this Sahelian country in central Africa are also among the most affected by the global climate crisis.

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Lesotho is experiencing a major food security crisis as a result of the El-Niño induced drought. The situation has been exacerbated by successive years of crop failures, low incomes and high food prices.

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Central African Republic

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Liberia, on the Atlantic coast of Africa, is classified as a least developed, low-income, food-deficit country.

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Cameroon's economy is growing, but many people - especially in rural areas - are still poor and hungry. And the vulnerable country is facing three large-scale, complex and violent crises.

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Burundi faces some of the most significant food security and nutrition challenges on the planet, like extreme poverty, gender inequality and political instability. These factors make Burundi the 9th worst food security crisis in the world.

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