Location: Africa
A whirlwind of conflict, displacement and pandemic means that more than 15 million kids could going hungry in West and Central Africa. We must respond immediately.
Countries across Africa, Latin America, the Caribbean, the Middle East and Asia could be crushed under the weight of famine during the pandemic. Here's what WFP wants to do to help.
Two years ago, the UN Security Council unanimously adopted Resolution 2417. On this episode of Hacking Hunger, South Sudan Country Director Matthew Hollingworth reflects on its significance, now, and for the future.
The contribution will provide almost 100,000 people with $13 a month, enabling them to meet almost two-thirds of their daily food requirements.
Many refugees say they are only able to afford one meal a day. This joint project aims to reach 10,000 of the most vulnerable.
A newly re-opened route from Kenya is helping WFP get essential food aid to struggling areas of South Sudan for the first time since 2018.
The socio-economic impact of coronavirus in East Africa and the Horn could kill more people than the pandemic itself.
It's part of a global hub-and-spokes flight system for medical and humanitarian supplies, transporting health workers to the front lines of the pandemic.
With air travel at a standstill, how do frontline responders get the supplies they need? WFP's new network of logistic hubs will bridge the gap.
Information is one of the most important weapons in a pandemic. Here's how WFP tech hubs are scaling up to help.
A single mother in Zimbabwe struggles under the threat of coronavirus: her crops are failing, her children are out of school and food is increasingly scarce. Here's how WFP is helping.
Coronavirus has exacerbated the lives of refugees who've been living in the Sahara Desert for the past 45 years. Here's our appeal, and how we plan to help.