WFP Executive Director: Immediate Access for Lifesaving Food Deliveries in Tigray is Critical

Alarming new data has today confirmed the magnitude of the hunger emergency gripping Tigray, where at least 4 million people face severe hunger and 350,000 of them are facing famine.

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“May you have cows and children”: How Project Amata Fights Malnutrition in Burundi with Milk and Cheese

For National Cheese Day, we're sharing the story of Isaac and Bernadette — two dairy farmers in Burundi whose story shows the importance of milk and cheese in curbing malnutrition. 

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Volunteers Mount Their Bikes to Tackle Poor Nutrition in Zambia

Clara is at the forefront of the fight against malnutrition, and is one of 480 trained community health volunteers trained by WFP.

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WFP Provides Food to Thousands Displaced from Goma After Volcano Eruption

WFP has started providing emergency food rations to people displaced from their homes in Goma by the sudden eruption of Nyiragongo volcano.

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WFP Reaches Over 1 Million People with Emergency Food Assistance in Tigray

WFP has provided emergency food assistance to 1 million people since starting distributions in Northwestern and Southern zones of Tigray region in March.

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Half of the Population in the Central African Republic in the Grip of Dire Food Insecurity Emergency, UN warns

The people of the Central African Republic have been bearing the brunt of conflict for a decade, and food insecurity has been on the rise for the past years. Yet, never before has the food insecurity outlook been so dire.

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You Should Know About What’s Happening in the Sahel and Why It’s Spiraling Out of Control

The Central Sahel is in crisis, yet "nobody is truly interested and everyone just stands by watching tragedy develop in front of our eyes,” says WFP's Margot van der Velden.

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Southern Madagascar: Government and UN Sound the Alarm on Famine Risk, Urge Action

With each day that passes, more lives are at stake as hunger tightens its grip in southern Madagascar. Years of poor harvests driven by drought upon drought, and weather-related damages to fishing, have pushed people to the brink.

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What the “Hunger Season” Means for Farmers Fighting Famine

The hunger season can last for months, and it’s a particularly challenging time for subsistence farmers and their families, who solely rely on what they grow.

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Why Do Floods Follow Droughts? Look to the Somali Region of Ethiopia.

Imagine waking up to a wave of water running across your floor and hearing your six children cry out in fear. This is what happened to Agan in Ethiopia when floods washed away everything she had.

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Teachers Play a Vital Role in Keeping Kids Fed and Healthy Around the World. Meet Six of These Heroes.

Teachers offer guidance, friendship, socialization - and in the most difficult places, even structure, comfort and food. Teachers go above and beyond - especially in countries where WFP works.

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When Life Hands You Lemons: The Journey of Nenad Grkovic, WFP Beneficiary Turned Humanitarian Worker

Meet Nenad Grkovic, a former United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) beneficiary during a civil war who later dedicated his career to saving and changing lives through innovative logistics solutions. 

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