Location: Africa
In the south of Senegal, communities are preserving the environment by using WFP biodigesters to convert cow dung into fertilizer and gas.
"I must help as many as I can with the little that I have. To me, this is sadaqah (the Islamic notion of 'voluntary charity').”
Thanks to peanuts, this pre-packaged, ready-to-eat food doesn't require water or cooking and it's saving lives around the world.
To mark Nature Photography Day, we’re looking at ten stunning photographs from some of the hungriest places on earth.
Eight years ago, Mahmoud rolled up his sleeves and started building a community school in his hometown with his bare hands.
By supporting schools, the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) boosts both health and literacy in rural areas.
With the Tokyo 2020 Olympics coming to a close, we look at the story of Kenyan Olympic medalist Paul Tergat and the impact school meals had on his journey.
WFP delivered food to over a million people in the northwest and parts of southern Tigray in June and July under the second round of distributions, despite numerous challenges.
A primary school serving school meals provides a leading example of efforts to promote social inclusion and harmony in the Republic of Congo.
Dorica Samson's 2-year-old son refused to feed on anything other than breast milk, and he eventually fell sick. Things look a lot different for them these days.
The closest job Happy's husband could find was 600 miles away, leaving her to care for their two children while pregnant with their third. A local clinic and a micro loan changed their lives.
The first United Nations Humanitarian Air Service passenger flight, which is managed by WFP, has touched down at Tigray’s Alula Aba Nega International Airport in Mekelle today.