Photo: wfp/Saiyna Bashir

Hunger Emergencies

The world’s worst disasters driving hunger

When conflict erupts or natural disaster strikes, the United Nations World Food Programme is there. It feeds families on the frontlines of our planet’s most dangerous and complicated emergencies.

WFP distributes food in Gaza
Photo: WFP/Ali Jadallah/2023


The risk of famine looms in Gaza. Food systems have collapsed and nowhere is safe. Nearly every person is hungry.

Top Crises to watch

These countries are currently experiencing critical levels of hunger due to conflict and climate disasters.


Since the Taliban takeover, the lives of Afghan families were thrown into chaos as the economy went into freefall.

Photo: WFP/Marco Di Lauro/2021
Democratic Republic of the Congo

The DRC faces a dire hunger crisis, fueled by 25 years of conflict and displacement. 

Photo: WFP/Griff Tapper

Haiti is the poorest country in Latin America and one of the most food-insecure places in the world.

Photo: WFP/Marco Di Lauro/2021
Northern Ethiopia

Conflict, displacement, floods, drought and a countrywide economic crisis have fueled critical levels of hunger and malnutrition in Ethiopia.

Photo: WFP/Michael Tewelde

Somalia faces a relentless cycle of devastating droughts and catastrophic floods. Over 3 million people urgently need food assistance.

Photo: WFP/Geneva Costopulos
South Sudan

South Sudan is facing crisis levels of hunger due to violence, four consecutive years of flooding, high food prices and the conflict in neighboring Sudan.

Photo: WFP/Gabriella Vivacqua
Photo: WFP/Michael Tewelde

The war in Sudan has triggered the world’s largest hunger crisis. Without assistance, hundreds of thousands of people could die of hunger.

Photo: WFP/Abubakar Garelnabei/2024

13 years of conflict and economic collapse have pushed more than half of the population – 12.9 million people – into hunger.


The war continues to displace people from their homes and destroy farmland. Many families have lost access to food.


Conflict, displacement, economic instability and the climate crisis have left more than half of Yemen’s population in need of food assistance.

Photo: WFP/Mohammed Nasher/2022
Photo: WFP/Abubakar Garelnabei/2024

Help Save Lives in Emergencies

What is Causing Hunger Crises?


The primary driver of hunger is conflict – wars and violence create complex humanitarian emergencies.

Climate Change

The climate crisis is causing natural disasters to be more frequent and more intense.

THe impact of Hunger Emergencies


A WFP helicopter flies over a crowd of people.
Photo: WFP/George Fominyen

Conflicts and disasters often disrupt food chains that are already fragile. As hunger becomes more widespread and prolonged, famine sets in and the effects are dire.


A woman stands outside of a refugee tent, her baby wrapped around her back with a cloth.
Photo: WFP/Marwa Awad

Humanitarian emergencies leave people without food or shelter, forcing them to flee. As refugee crises unfold, hunger becomes a greater challenge.

Photo: WFP/Jacqueline Dent

Emergency relief

Food is often the first thing people need when catastrophe strikes. Natural disasters and conflict leave entire communities homeless and hungry.

WFP does whatever it takes to reach the world’s most vulnerable people, and deliver the food and nutrition they so urgently need.

Save Lives in Emergencies

People suffering from conflicts and natural disasters have the most critical need. Your donation helps provide food and care for families in humanitarian emergencies.

How WFP Saves Lives in Emergencies

Watch the interview with WFP Regional Director for Middle East, North Africa and Eastern Europe