Give Through Your

Donor-Advised Fund

3 Ways to Give Through Your DAF

  • Single Gift
  • Recurring Gift
  • Successor Designation

World Food Program USA accepts single and recurring gifts from donor-advised funds (DAF). DAFs are tax-efficient charitable savings accounts managed by third-party institutions. Donor-Advised Funds allow donors to receive immediate tax benefits while recommending grants from the fund over time.

If you have a Donor-Advised Fund at Fidelity Charitable, Schwab Charitable or BNY Mellon you can easily make a designation through the DAF Direct window on this page.

Are you interested in learning more about how you can also list World Food Program USA as a beneficiary of a Donor Advised Fund and create a future without hunger? Visit our Beneficiary Designation page or contact us directly.

World Food Program USA’s tax I.D. number is 13-3843435.

To increase the impact of your gift, see if your employer participates in a matching gift program.

If you have questions or would like to discuss giving options, please call us at
202-627-3939 or email us at

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