
With the landscape in Tajikistan being mountainous with only 7% of farmable land, which is vulnerable to extreme climate events, food insecurity is a challenge for the majority of its population.


Population of Takijistan


of people live below the poverty line


of people are undernourished

Rural Food Insecurity

Tajikistan is a landlocked, lower middle-income, food-deficit country with a population of approximately 8 million, three-quarters of whom live in rural areas. The mountainous landscape confines the arable area to just 7 percent of the country’s surface and poses enormous challenges to food security during the winter season.

Despite improving food security in recent years, only 24 percent of Tajikistan’s rural population is food-secure and 50 percent are marginally food-secure. The majority of the population spends between 70 percent and 80 percent of their income on food, yet around one-fifth of the population is affected by food insecurity.

WFP’s Work in Tajikistan

Despite the challenges, here’s how we’re fighting hunger and building sustainability.

Photo: WFP/Nargis Nabieva
Photo: WFP/Nargis Nabieva
School Meals

WFP provides daily school meals to 400,000 schoolchildren across 2,000 schools in 52 rural districts.

Photo: WFP/Nasrullo Ramazonov
Food for Assets

WFP helps meet immediate needs of food-insecure people while building community assets.


Every year, more than 5,000 children are enrolled in a WFP-supported supplementary feeding program treating moderate acute malnutrition.

Photo: WFP/Silmon Silmonov
Emergency Relief

WFP responds to natural disasters and emergencies through emergency food assistance and relief interventions.

You Can Help Save Lives

When you donate, you help us deliver critical food relief to the most vulnerable people in Tajikistan and other countries around the world. You can make difference in someone’s life – send food today.