Photo: WFP/Abubakar Garelnabei/2024


In Sudan’s North Darfur Zamzam Camp

The conflict in Sudan has created the world’s largest hunger crisis. WFP urgently needs your support to scale up operations and reach people in Sudan with lifesaving food.

Famine has been confirmed in Zamzam camp in Sudan’s conflict-rocked North Darfur Region. Another 13 areas in Sudan – largely in Darfur, Kordofan, Khartoum and Gezira – are at risk of famine. The conflict has already triggered the world’s largest hunger crisis spanning Sudan, South Sudan and Chad. WFP is doing everything possible to deliver emergency food assistance to affected communities. 


People displaced by the conflict


People face extreme hunger


People WFP aims to assist in 2024

Facts About Sudan

Population: 48.1 million people.

Geography: Sudan is located in northeastern Africa and shares borders with Egypt, Libya, Chad, the Central African Republic, South Sudan, Ethiopia and Eritrea, along with a coast on the Red Sea. 

Economy: The 2011 secession of South Sudan sent economic shockwaves across Sudan from which the country is still recovering from. Instability and inflation have hampered Sudan’s economic growth.

Sudanese refugees in Chad
Sudanese refugees who fled the conflict in Sudan along the border with Chad
Photo: WFP/Julian Civiero/2023

Conflict & Displacement

For years, Sudan has struggled with conflict. The most recent conflict, which began in April 2023, has created the worst displacement crisis in the world and the world’s largest hunger crisis spanning Sudan, South Sudan and Chad. WFP has mobilized an immense emergency response to support families in Sudan and neighboring countries.

WFP provides assistance in Sudan
Under WFP’s IKI project, WFP is providing households and communities with improved cookstoves and alternative fuels.
Photo: WFP/Niema Abdelmageed/2021

Economic Shocks

When South Sudan seceded in 2011, Sudan’s economy lost a major source of oil revenue. As a result, inflation and high food prices sent millions of people deeper into hunger.

Sudan, Jabal Awliya and Al Kalakla, 11 September 2020 In the Photo: WFP conducted a rapid assessment on September 11 in two localities – Jabal Awliya and Al Kalakla. These locations were the most affected by the floods at the time, as a large number of the residents resided by the Nile. Photo: WFP/Niema Abdelmageed Following unprecedented deadly rains and flooding in Sudan, the Government declared a 3-month state of emergency. Over 650,000 people had been affected in 17 of the 18 states, according to the Humanitarian Aid Commission. In collaboration with relevant government authorities, the World Food Programme, partners and other UN agencies are joining efforts to provide needed support to flood affected people in Sudan. Teams from different agencies have been deployed for carrying out need assessments to identify affected populations across the country. In response to the floods, WFP is planning to reach up to 160,000 flood-affected people in 9 states. WFP has started to provide food and nutrition support to flood affected people including in Khartoum state, where WFP is planning to reach 19,000 people in collaboration with the Sudanese Red Crescent Society.
Photo: WFP/Niema Abdelmageed

Climate Extremes

Sudan faces recurring droughts and floods that destroy crops and force migration. The climate crisis has made these natural disasters more frequent and intense, pushing more families into extreme hunger.

WFP’s Work in Sudan

WFP has been present in Sudan since 1963. We are the logistics backbone of the humanitarian response in the country and continue to provide emergency food assistance to people affected by the violent conflict.

Food Assistance

We provide food assistance to refugees, internally displaced people and other communities suffering from hunger.

Photo: WFP/Leni Kinzli

We prevent and treat malnutrition for children under the age of 5 and pregnant or breastfeeding mothers.

Photo: WFP/Arete/Joost Bastmeijer
Small-Scale Farming

With tools and agricultural training, we help small-scale farmers to cut their post-harvest losses.

Photo: WFP/Abdulaziz Abdulmomin
Photo: WFP/Leni Kinzli

Help Save lives today

By giving to the U.N. World Food Programme, you help us deliver lifesaving food to vulnerable people in Sudan affected by the conflict.