What South Sudan Would Look Like Without WFP

A newly opened humanitarian corridor between Sudan and famine-stricken South Sudan is giving the World Food Programme (WFP) critical access to people at risk of starving to death. Just last month, this new route allowed WFP to deliver over 2 million pounds of food to children and families in need — a tremendous breakthrough.
WFP and the humanitarian community are working tirelessly to keep the horrors of extreme hunger at bay. And despite many challenges, WFP remains steadfast in its commitment to save the lives of as many people as possible.
Right now, famine has been isolated to two counties, while other parts of the country are teetering on the edge. But without WFP and the humanitarian community delivering emergency food aid every day, the situation in South Sudan would be even more dire, as shown below.
If it weren’t for WFP supporters, famine would have spread to another county and huge swaths of the country would move from a status of “Crisis” to “Emergency,” leaving millions more people with almost no food.
The work to prevent the spread of famine in South Sudan is far from over, but WFP will be on the ground until the crisis ends. The agency is committed to doing whatever it takes to deliver lifesaving food aid to as many people as possible in South Sudan and all over the world.
You are helping prevent the spread of famine. Give today to help those fighting the risk of famine in South Sudan, Nigeria, Somalia and Yemen.